About the foundation
Our mission at Rex Foundation
Welcome to the website of the Rex Dog Shelter Foundation.
Our foundation aims to ensure the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals, to educate them for responsible animal husbandry, to reduce the number of stray animals and to prevent animal suffering. The Rex Dog Shelter Foundation, which turns 32 this year, helps more than 250 abandoned, injured animals in crisis on a daily base. We do this because we believe that all forms of life deserve respect, appreciation, and protection. Our daily task is to maintain a civilized animal welfare service through the operation of our public animal welfare office, animal adoption center and animal rescue service. The premises of our foundation is a multifunctional facility - the Budapest Animal Protection and Nature Conservation Adventure Park (Budapesti Állatvédelmi és Természetvédelmi Élménypark) also known as Rex Animal Island (Rex Állatsziget) - which serves both to better familiarize the fauna, to develop a good animal husbandry culture and to promote environmentally conscious behavior.
Our long-term goal is to reduce the number of animals in need of help, so we are actively working to make responsible animal husbandry and animal protection a matter of course in Hungary. We have transformed Rex Animal Island into an animal and nature park open to the public, where anyone can get acquainted with the basics of living together with animals. On Rex Animal Island, in addition to the Companion Animal Adoption Center, we have established and created a Wetland, a Mini Farm, a Training Center and a Rescue Station for Wild Animals.
Message from the Founder
"As far as I can remember, when I was a child, I longed for things that could hardly be done with common sense, yet I strongly believed in their realization. As I entered adolescence, I set more realistic goals for myself, but I still had many setbacks. As an adult, I now manage my desires much more modestly to spare myself from further disappointments. But when it comes to animals, I'm still fascinated and able to dream as a child of a world where animals are appreciated. On a small scale, such a world is our animal island, where we not only practice but also teach the love and respect of animals. With the growing up of the Rex Foundation and the creation of the Animal Island, an old dream of mine came true. I can consider myself a lucky person, as there are many people who help me in dreaming and bringing dreams to life, compared to whom the number of counter-fans is negligible. According to Albert Wass, we must become children to become adults. Therefore, I recall more and more often the times when I accepted every human approach with a completely open heart, without suspicion or reservation. It is necessary, because I feel that now is the time to believe in a spirit as adults that helps us to find friends without artificial emotions and cold calculations, who want nothing more than to make the world a little better!”
Dr. Péter Király, Founder